Chapter Two: Pre-Date

Important Note: White = flashback

Xellos was still confused when he reached the inn that he was staying at. What am I going to do?

Aren't you going on a date with Filia tonight? (Again it was De Tanga chatting to him through the mind.)

And what is it with you lately? Don't you have something else better to do than bother me?

Oooh touchy, touchy. Hey you were the one who didn't know what you were doing.

I'm well aware that I have a date tonight thank you very much. What I want know is what has gotten into Filia.

Do you really think so little of yourself that she wouldn't want to date you?

Yes... I mean no, um ah will you please just shut up!

You aren't going to stand her up are you?

Hmm... that's not a bad idea.

Well if you don't want to go on a date with her then I'm more than willing to take your place.

WHAT?! And just why would you want to go out on a date with that annoying, ill tempered -

Beautiful, kind and powerful creature? Well I have no gripes with her about race. To me there is no difference between races. Well all live, breath and eat on the same world right? But you do think she's beautiful don't you?




Do you mind if I take your place or would you be too jealous?


I'll take that as a no then. I'll just tell her that you couldn't make it. But I'll tell her that you say hi.


What you don't want me to say hi for you?

No I mean I'm going on the date! So deal with your own business De Tanga! Xellos abruptly cut the telepathic link and grumbled. If I don't go then that will be just exactly what she's expecting. By going I'll be forcing her to play her hand. Heh heh I've got you cornered Filia.

"Well is he going or not?" Filia asked De Tanga as he finished his conversation with Xellos.

"Yeah he fell for it. He'll be here at six. Filia are you sure you want to go through with this? I know revenge is sweet but this is just ridiculous."

"You didn't think it was ridiculous when you came to me with the idea." Filia placed her hands on her hips.

"When I came to you I didn't even think you would even want to speak to me."

Filia was working in the garden trying to keep herself occupied while Val was getting ready for his little trip. De Tanga phasing in and appears behind her.


Filia whirls her head around to see De Tanga.

"Wha-how... you're a monster!"

"Yes you are right about that. My name is De Tanga."

"De Tanga? The only non-evil monster in existence?"

"I wouldn't go as far as say only. I bet there's a few more around the world somewhere."

"How do I know you are really De Tanga?"

"Look through my spirit and you will see."

Filia did so and realized he was being truthful.

"What do you want?"

"To give Xellos a wake up call by seriously getting him annoyed."


"Do you really want to know?"


"Well it actually involves you..." De Tanga went on explaining his plan.

"You want me to do all that?"

"If you don't want to I'll understand."

Filia looked thoughtfully for a moment.

"No I'll do it. It might be fun to make him squirm a bit."

"If you were any other monster then maybe I wouldn't have. But you a mostly neutral force during that whole war."

"That's because I was a coward and I couldn't tell my master that I didn't want to fight. War never solved anything. Or least wars fought with magic and violence."

"You are a strange one De Tanga."

"Or so I've been told."

"Do you think he'll really come?"

"If I know Xellos then he will definitely come. If not I know this lovely place that I could take you for dinner..."

"Oh really?" Filia said while rolling her eyes and chuckling.

"Yeah and I'll make sure that Xellos knows exactly where we are and we can watch him get insanely jealous." The two of them laughed very hard at that thought.

But why would that trash get jealous anyway? Filia wondered that as they finished up some last minute details. No doubt if Xellos came then he was going to make the date very 'interesting' for both him and Filia. But of course De Tanga was going to be on the sidelines for damage control. Not that it would become violent or anything, but then you never know...

Xellos chuckled as he got his array of little 'toys' to bring on his date with Filia. Ha! She thinks she has the best of me, well she's got another thing coming.


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