
"So," a woman said, "You had a nice time."

"I did," Xellos replied. His cheeks were burning from the question. His lips were still hot from Filia's kiss, and he felt a little dizzy from being so close to her. Confusing feelings were making it hard to think.

"I take it you've had sufficient time to recover from your wounds," the woman continued, "I have something that needs done soon." Xellos seemed dazed for a second.

"Oh," he finally said, "Oh, of course. I'm fine." The woman took a drag off her cigarette and gave him an odd look.

"Well, that being the case," she said, "I want you to get to work right away." He suddenly seemed to snap out of it.

"Ah, Juuou-sama," he said, "Is there any way I could perhaps... after this next task, I mean... take a day or two and... go visit her?" She cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. What an odd request.

"I'll see about it," she said vaguely, "Right now, just concentrate on the task at hand."

* * * * * *

Filia unwrapped a teapot that was nestled in a large covering of tissue paper. She set it on a shelf, carefully placing it to show off its best side. She placed her hands on her hips and looked around. The new shop was full of unopened boxes and baskets. It had been difficult to move her heavier furniture, like her couch and bed, into her new house by herself, though. Not that she wasn't more than strong enough, it was only that they were rather large and cumbersome to carry, especially up a flight of stairs. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and flopped down onto a large pile of blankets and pillows that had been carelessly thrown into a corner of the new storefront room. Her actual living spaces were farther in the back of the house, so she didn't have a couch in this room.

Filia had moved just a few days ago to a nice shopping district in Sairuun, hoping to make a better business here than in her last home. She had discovered that Amelia's descendants, her grandchildren or great-grandchildren, were still on the throne. That was a good sign, she'd thought to herself. Having learned that, she took the money she'd earned at the market, and a little that she'd saved up as well and moved. So far, the people here were being friendly, and a little curious about someone from out of town as well. She'd already met so many nice people who were her new neighbors, and felt at home already.

Filia sighed, slipping her shoes off and fanning herself with her hand. This was hard work! She considered getting up and turning the lamps off and going to bed. Not a bad idea, actually. But it was still so early and there was still so much she could get done. Filia sat up and walked over to another box, opening it and rummaging through it, looking for another nice teapot to set on a shelf. She picked up a shiny, polished white one with roses painted on it, and began peeling away the layers of wrapping around it.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Since it was already dusk, Filia tried to look out the window and see who was at her door. It was too dark already for her to see them, and the street lamps hadn't been lit for the evening yet. Filia put down the teapot.

"Now, who would be calling at this time of night?", she asked herself, stepping around boxes and baskets and various other things in the floor. She smoothed out her pink dress and brushed the hair out of her face before she reached for the door knob. Filia opened the door just a crack, peeking outside to see who was knocking on her door.

There was a man dressed in a streamlined black suit, looking quite refined. He held a bottle of wine in one hand and a bouquet of red roses and white lilies in the other hand. His fine, straight hair hang over his eyes, shading them while he grinned. He extended the flowers to a surprised Filia and kissed her hand as she took them.

"May I come in?", Xellos asked, stepping closer, "It seems like we have a little bit of catching up to do..."

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