Chapter Three: Visit to the Secret Island

Author-san: oh, man...
LoN: Zelas... Really?
Zelas: Why not?
Author-san: *snicker* Poor Filly-chan!

"I've been calling and calling and calling!" Zelas yelled, waving her arms around in annoyance. "Why ignore me? I told you last time, I don't expect to have to call more than once!"

* * * * * *

Xelloss was now learning the after effects of eating too much of the wrong type of food. He had a massive icecream binge not so long ago, and felt awful. Incidently, he'd heard Zelas screaming for him, but was unable to respond, which was a little stressing, but, Filia would bear the brunt of that one... although he'd thought Zelas had done this.


He set off for random city library, cursing Filia's outfit. Hopefully in random city library, they'd be a cure for what he called "The damn bodyswap curse" Of course, that meant resigning himself to hours of poring over books to find what he wanted.

Pacing the aisles of the library, Xelloss looked for the right section, but when he did find it, an alarming sound and grumble came from somewhere within, that sent the Mazoku-in-dragon-maiden-body scurrying to the bathroom as a matter of urgency.

* * * * * *

"And... What were you doing?! Following that no good Dragon girl around! Thats what I see! Now get out of here and back to Random City!"

Filia twidled her, or rather Xelloss' fingers as she turned and made her escape from the room.

A good question popped into her head. Just where was 'here'? And if she didn't know where 'here' was, how could she get back to Random City?

Filia was wandering the depths what looked like a stately home perhaps? Whatever it was, the owner sure liked luxury. For the most part, it was decorated in plums, golds, black and olive green. She kept looking around until she reached a window, then pulled the wine red curtain across to look out at the island.

The outside wasn't as impressive as the inside... it was messy, reminisicant of a battleground. The sea was chopping and frothing madly where Filia looked to her left, and yet was super calm to her right. She dropped the curtain and tried to figure a way out of the building.

* * * * * *

"Just a minute!" Xelloss yelled for about the 5th time at the sound of banging on the bathroom door. He could understand now why the guy outside would be so desperate, but Xelloss, being as bloody-minded as always, just decided to take that little longer.

Once finished, he skipped out of the bathroom grinning... just to annoy those outside, and was met by several odd looks. He suddenly figured out what it was for and kept smiling too until he got out of their sight, tugged the dress back down and made a mental note not to use the Men's Lavatories again, whilst in a female form.

Now it was time to go back to the books.

* * * * * *

"Studying the nice weather today?"
Filia jumped. She hadn't been prepared fof a mazoku lord to suddenly appear behind her. But it seemed Zelas was as interested in the storm they stood in as she was.

"It's umm... interesting...." She replied nervously, comforted by the fact the Greater Beast wouldn't hear as the wind whipped the words away.

"It certainly is." Filia was suprised by the reply, even through the breathtaking wind and distant growl of thunder, the Mazoku's voice was as clear to her as ever, and it seemed, her hearing was as equally talented. "Still, I'm glad you didn't go shooting off to Random City immediately, it would be tiresome to have had to call you back again. Since that dragon girl is there, I want you to do something else as well. I'm working on a spell, and for it I need the tail of an adolescant female golden dragon." She paused and gave Filia a fang filled smile. "I decided that Filia-lizard will do fine - just bring me the tail. I don't want a lizard dirtying this place."

Filia's eyes opened like saucers

"You want me to cut off my own tail?!"

Zelas cocked her head to oneside and her lips curled into an evil grin.

"I didn't quite catch the last of that... but yes, Filia's tail." She narrowed his eyes and spoke on with a lower, threatening voice, which she could still hear with perfect clarity over the storm. "I assume you haven't got a problem with that. I won't hesitate to destroy her if she causes you to be disobedient. So get back there now."

Zelas snapped her fingers and teleported Filia into a well hidden aisle in Random City library, where Xelloss snapped the last book from a huge pile shut in despair.

"No luck?" She asked, looking over his shoulder at the front of the book.

"None." he told her getting up and going out of the building. "Where did you come from?"

"I dunno." Filia replied scratching her head. "Some island... dank and stormy on one coast and subtropical on the other."


"I guess so." She mummbled. "Does Zelas always teleport you around like that?"

"No... I'm smart enough to teleport myself around. What did Zelas-sama want, anyways?"

"Now, that, is a secret!" She said.

"Stupid piece of... hey! I need food!" And with that Xelloss ran off Lina-style to a restaurant, leaving Filia to ponder what to do about her tail.

Chapter Four >>